Friday, 17 October 2008

From where the wind blows

By Zeffer ( October 2000 )

From where the wind blows and where it will go
Leaves flutter gaily and trees bend and bow
Over hilltop ranges and down across the bay
Felt one minute and never wanting to stay…

Birds fly free, roaming the blue skies
Perching on branches singing a lullabye
No worries in the world holds them back but a broken wing
Soar through the air like the blow of the wind

From where the wind blows and where it will go
Touching everything in its way…
A gentle stroke, a small push, a soft tickle
As if searching for something but can’t seem to find
A life on its own all twisted and twine.

The wind is like people who pass through our lives.
Some just “ hellos “ and some just “ goodbyes “
Some sticks around longer and actually become friends.
Leaving impressionable prints to love or contend.
Strangely after… we are never left quite the same.

Leaves flutter gaily and the trees bend and bow
For where the wind blows no one really knows...


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